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多讀書(Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e)是培養思考能力和表達能力的最佳方式,也可以培養自信、強化獨立思考的力量,如果你要買這本書Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e,最方便的管道就是上博客來網路書局購買Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e,網路書局少了傳統書局的人事水電的成本,通常購買Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e價格都會比較便宜,多看好書Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e充實自己真的很不錯
This full-color, introductory environmental science text is known for being concise, conceptual, and value-priced. The approach and reading level cover the basic concepts without overloading students with too much detail. The authors reinforce the text's central theme of 'interrelationships' by providing a historical perspective, information on economic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the crucial science to describe the natural world and how we affect it.
作者: Eldon Enger, Bradley Smith
新功能介紹- 出版社:新月
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2019/01/01
- 語言:英文
Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e
Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e博客來好書閱讀網好書推薦,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好書推薦2018,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好書推薦部落格,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好書推薦心得,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好書推薦心得感想,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好書推薦心得報告,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e讀書心得,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e看書心得,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e看書心得分享,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e評價,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e好看嗎,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e哪裡買,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e排行榜,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e讀書會,Environmental Science - A Study of Interrelationsh 15-e二手書
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- 博客來電子書 50則非知不可的建築學概念
- 博客來暢銷書排行榜 此人進廠維修中!:為心靈放個小假,安頓複雜的情緒
- 博客來電子書 寫給葡萄酒品飲者的生物動力法35問:理解極致酒中風土,學習葡萄酒生命力的自然法則
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